2008 Ranch Trip
Mailbox installation
Large -- Medium The last day we decided to install a mailbox. We'd been meaning to do this for the last 3 or 4 trips! | |
Large -- Medium Jason let me take a few turns post-hole-digging, though he did most of the work. | |
Large -- Medium The address there is on the box. | |
movie of mailbox-enpostment. | |
Large -- Medium Yea! It's in place. Now we can get mail while we're there, if we want to. | |
Large -- Medium Are these wild turkeys? The dogs wanted to eat them to find out (but were not allowed to chase them, not that they could have caught them anyway). | |
Large -- Medium A nice stone entranceway to another Wild Horse Ranch plot. | |
Large -- Medium The big backhoe that the Sandbox Construction guy brought to do the trenching and digging for the water tank. | |
Large -- Medium The tree that Gwen worked underneath on Tuesday. |