Large -- Medium This was my favorite quilt. | |
Large -- Medium I really like the colors. | |
Large -- Medium I took pictures of all the tags so you can see who made them and what the quilter had to say about their quilt. | |
Large -- Medium It looks like a standard Lone Star quilt at first, but it isn't! | |
Large -- Medium | |
Large -- Medium A pretty Autumn wall hanging. Nice color choices and composition. | |
Large -- Medium | |
Large -- Medium A sudoku quilt. Kinda boring, except I like the colors. | |
Large -- Medium | |
Large -- Medium They had "quilter's sayings" like these all over. | |
Large -- Medium A very small aplique quilt. I like the design and symmetry. |
Large -- Medium | |
Large -- Medium I like the colors, but (see next) | |
Large -- Medium It's the quilting that really makes the quilt here. | |
Large -- Medium | |
Large -- Medium The colors here are pretty, but I took a picture of it because (see next) | |
Large -- Medium They did the machine quilting wtih varigated color thread, which made for some really interesting patterns. | |
Large -- Medium | |
Large -- Medium | |
Large -- Medium | |
Large -- Medium There was even this harpest there. I'm guessing she was there to sell CDs, rather than being there as a paid performer. |